Access to 174 rare persuasion bullets written by Gary Bencivenga, universally considered the world’s greatest living copywriter:
About 26 years ago, Gary Bencivenga — universally acknowledged as “America’s Best Copywriter” — was commissioned to write an ad for a book.
The book is called NEW CHOICES IN NATURAL HEALING: The Complete Book of Natural Remedies. It’s a behemoth, 687-page manual with thousands of tips and tricks, all related to alternative medicine and healing (an enormous market).
It’s still available, too. You can Google it and buy it from dozens of sellers for about $10.
The ad is called The Doctors Vest-Pocket Sampler of Natural Remedies. It’s also in the form of a physical book, except it’s much shorter, only 51 pages. It’s also pretty flimsy, held together with staples.
But that doesn’t matter. It’s what’s inside that counts…
Inside you’ll find 174 fascinations selling the tips and tricks published in NEW CHOICES IN NATURAL HEALING.
Now if you haven’t taken Master Fascinations, my first Micro-Course on fascinations, these are sentences designed to conjure curiosity by:
1) Teasing value
2) Embellishing benefit
3) Using extreme verbiage
Copywriter Mel Martin invented fascinations in the 60s and ever since, elite marketers — including Gary Bencivenga — have used them to create irresistible direct-response copy.
Speaking of irresistible copy, believe it or not, The Sampler ad sold over $50 MILLION worth of NEW CHOICES IN NATURAL HEALING — just one book — making it one of the most successful direct-response promotions ever written.
The Sampler is also still available, albeit much less common. I’ve seen it sold for a few dollars. I’ve also seen it sold for $768.57:
Seems like a fortune but as The Sampler becomes less common and more coveted, I think this price will become the norm.
It’s not what I paid — not even close — but if something were to happen to my copy and this was the price, I’d probably pay it. Yeh, I would.
Because while I don’t really prescribe to alternative medicine and natural remedies, I do prescribe to the proven rules and principles of direct-response copywriting, including the effectiveness and versatility of fascinations, which make up about 80% of The Sampler’s copy.
So since The Sampler is among the best long-form direct-response ads ever written, it’s fair to say the fascinations inside are world-class, too.
And this makes them perfect for copyworking.
“Copyworking” is transcribing copy by hand, with a pen and paper.
Hand transcribing is a great way to learn the voice and tone of the masters, mainly because it’s such slow, deliberate work. So it gives you time to study the writer’s creative decisions: the word choice, sentence structure, narrative, etc. This way, you gradually pick up the nuances of their style.
Already completed Master Fascinations? You should still take Bencivenga Bullets.
1) Because you’ll get more practice: you can’t “over-practice” the fundamentals.
2) Because the copy is elite: Bencivenga is the best copywriter in America — if not the world — and this is his best work.
3) Because you’re curious? The copy probably won’t be what you’re imagining.
So I went through my personal copy of The Sampler and typed out every 👏 single 👏 fascination I could find, formatting it exactly as Bencivenga printed it: identical bolding, italics, CAPITALIZATION, underlining, and punctuation.
I finished with 174 — each one manna from heaven.
And now they're all yours to read, study, and copywork.
To complete this Micro-Course:
1) You’ll need 174 3x5 index cards (or any kind of paper, really).
2) You’ll need a pen or pencil.
3) You’ll need to block off about 30 minutes a day for the next 7 days.
Prep by reading every fascination below — all 174 — out loud in an even, steady voice. This will help you get comfortable with this unique writing style. Once through will do.
When you’re done, you can immediately move on to Step 2. Or you can give yourself a break and start tomorrow. It’ll be here for you when you’re ready. :)
That said, if you’re ready now, feel free to start now, while you’re enthusiastic. (Don’t let your enthusiasm wane.)
Copywork for 30 minutes a day for the next 7 days.
Each day, after you finish, go back and read each card out loud. Again, use an even, steady voice.
I like to do this first thing in the morning.
Sip coffee. Transcribe.
Sip coffee. Transcribe.
Sip coffee. Transcribe.
If you eliminate distractions, you’ll get into a flow state and 30 minutes will be up before you know it.
How to eliminate distractions:
1. Leave your phone in another room
2. Close your others tabs
3. Play 👌
Obviously, you can copywork anytime you like. I just recommend not skipping a day, as you’ll create invaluable inertia.
(It’s hard to stop a train.)
Use fascinations to advertise information assets and products: articles, podcasts, books, webinars, presentations, etc. This is their true purpose.
You can use fascinations as bullet points, headlines and subheads, email subject lines, ledes, and P.S. lines.
The Rules:
✅ Make the value accessible with just a single action (e.g., a click; a like; opening an envelope).
✅ Make the copy conjure curiosity by teasing the value and embellishing the benefit.
✅ Make all of it put an image in the reader’s mind.
You will see a lift in your open rates, click-through rates, and overall campaign response.
The fascinations below are targeting a very specific market, one you may or may not belong to. If these fascinations sound implausible or unrealistic, it’s probably because you do not prescribe to alternative medicine (i.e., natural healing). It’s just not your bag.
Fact is, this has no bearing whatsoever on the effectiveness of these fascinations on the target market, people who’ve made natural remedies part of their lifestyle.
So as you read and transcribe the copy below, practice adopting this target market’s worldview. In other words, imagine having a long-term, chronic pain or condition Western medicine has been unable to cure or even treat.
See every word from the perspective of someone seeking alternative treatments and solutions — and you will get so much more out of this exercise.
Let’s go.
Discover the gentle herb that lowers both your cholesterol and high blood pressure… and even gives heart attack survivors a new lease on life…
Discover the all-natural remedy for burnout and exhaustion and exhaustion that gives you boundless new energy without nerve-jangling caffeine.
How to sleep like a baby all night — with the best all-natural alternative to prescription sleeping pills. Non-addictive. No side effects.
How to gain instant relief from a leg cramp — with apple cider vinegar!
How to end the agony of a toothache — with only two cloves!
How to heal a burn — with milk!
How to stop an attack of food poisoning — with a piece of bread!
How to disinfect an open wound — with sugar!
How to cure ulcers — with cabbage!
How to take the sting out of a bee bite — with meat tenderizer!
When you mix the three essential oils named on page 505, you create a tonic with this mysterious and marvelous effect:
If you’re trying to quit, just inhaling the fragrance of this tonic helps you “ride out” the craving for a cigarette.
See page 505 for this potentially life-saving recipe…
To help you quit smoking or cut down on your habit, try checking on a small piece of (mixture named on page 505).
If you’re trying to quit smoking cold turkey, drink a lot of (juice named on page 506)... The juice will clear your body of nicotine faster.
A simple but powerful meditation technique that can help you quit smoking. (Details, page 507.)
A self-hypnosis exercise that can make quitting much, much easier, because you’ll put your subconscious mind on your side. (See page 506.)
FOR ARTHRITIS: Long-time sufferers see their arthritis go into complete remission. See page 51.
FOR BLESSED RELIEF OF PAIN: (The remedy on page 127) completely relieved pain in about 65 percent of the 1,000 patients… while another 25 percent had enough reduced pain that they didn’t need anesthesia.
FOR REVERSAL OF AGING: These (nutrients named on page 137) stop free radicals from overtaking healthy cells and thus help slow the natural aging process. They are even believed to offer protection against 60 age-related afflictions, from cancer to cataracts to heart disease and high cholesterol. “It’s hard to think of anyone in our society who couldn’t benefit from taking (them),” says one leading M.D. See page 133 and 137.
FOR DIABETES: “Few people with diabetes need daily insulin injections. MOre than 90 percent of the time, people with Type II diabetes can help keep blood sugar levels in line with (see page 273)... The trace mineral proven to reduce risk factors for both diabetes and cardiovascular disease.. Improves glucose and insulin and lowers cholesterol and triglycerides. If you want protection against diabetes and heart disease, see page 140.
TO BOOST YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM: Possibly your two best sources of nutrients needed to give yourself a strong immune system, your body’s defense against diseases of all kinds. See page 54… The “magic mineral” that protects against heart disease and cancer, alleviates arthritis symptoms and can even improve your moods. Also on page 140.
FOR QUICK RELIEF OF HAY FEVER, WATERY EYES AND RUNNY NOSE: Follow the simple instructions on page 166… See how to control your allergies without shots or antihistamines on page 165… To relieve allergic sneezing and itching, press this acupressure spot for profound relief. See page 166.
FOR PERSISTENT DANDRUFF: Read why dandruff may be a sign that circulation to your scalp is blocked… and why certain foods are a much more natural and permanent solution that dandruff shampoos.
TO BANISH FOOD CRAVINGS: Do persistent food cravings keep wrecking your goal of losing 10 pounds. Then you must get your hands on the incredible nutritional supplement recommended on page 314 of NEW CHOICES IN NATURAL HEALING. Take these supplements, available in any health food store, and kiss your food cravings goodbye!
FOR INHIBITED SEXUAL DESIRE: The remedy ideal for any woman who feels “dead inside” and wants to be more passionate. See page 384… The nutrient that powerfully enhances sex drive and the foods that are rich in them. Also on page 384… The “guided imagery” sexual fantasy sure to arouse passion (a little too steamy to print here, but wait till you read page 385).
TO RELIEVE HEADACHES AND NECK PAIN: Take your thumb and press here (see page 338).
TO HELP PREVENT OSTEOPOROSIS: Every morning, eat a handful of (see page 449). On this same page, you’ll also be given a complete vitamin and mineral regimen for anyone who has — or wants to avoid — this debilitating disease, which eventually breaks the bones of more than 50 percent of all American women. Don’t you be one of them!
FOR RELIEF OF TMD (Temporomandibular Joint Disorder): Press here (see page 531) to relieve TMD, which can often cause earaches, headaches, stiff neck or stuffy nose.
TO GET RID OF WATER RETENTION PROBLEMS: Press here (see page 557) to improve your body’s fluid balance and shed excess water that makes you look overweight with swollen fingers, plumped-up legs and a bloated belly.
FOR RELIEF OF TINNITUS: If you suffer from tinnitus — a buzzing, swishing, hissing, whirring, chirping or ringing sound in your ear — now hear this! Recent research has uncovered a connection between tinnitus and the lack of a certain nutrient in the diet. See page 533 for a quick, all-natural remedy.
FOR MIGRAINES: “A lot of migraines are food-related,” says Michael A Klaper, M.D. One page 427, he names the common foods infamous for triggering them.
FOR CARPAL TUNNEL SYNDROME: To prevent it or clear it up, try this simple acupressure massage. Oh, what relief! See page 486.
TO KEEP PESKY MOSQUITOES, GNATS AND OTHER BUGS FROM BITING YOU: This natural herbal oil (see page 202) repels insects as effectively as the synthetic chemical DEET — but without DEET’s toxic effects on your body.
TO BANISH ANXIETY: Press firmly on this spot (see page 178) and take a few deep, full breaths. You may feel some relief right away... and 12 other ways to send your anxieties packing. See page 177… Plus, why your constant worries may be directly related to one of these three common foods. See page 179.
FOR BOILS, BRUISES, RASHES AND SCRAPES: The essential oil that’s a “great natural antiseptic which speeds the healing of virtually any kind of skin irritation.” See page 205.
TO CURE EXTERNAL HEMORRHOIDS — yes, cure them — use this simple topical ointment you can make from common ingredients in your kitchen. Hard to believe, but true. See page 355.
FOR COLD SORES CAUSED BY THE HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS: Here’s how Europeans successfully treat them, using an ointment made from a common fruit. See page 247.
FOR DIARRHEA: When mixed with water, this powder is the safest, simplest and best treatment for diarrhea there is. It has saved many a vacation. Never take a trip without it, especially in foreign countries where the water may cause you problems. See page 277.
FOR JOINT AND MUSCLE PAIN: Press here for joint pain anywhere in the body. For ankle pain, press here. For knee pain, press here. For wrist pain, press here. For shoulder pain, press here… etc. All on page 402.
FOR BOWEL PROBLEMS: This gentle but potent internal cleanser made from Asian fruit is a mild laxative with no side effects or laxative dependency. Helps restore the tone of the large intestine, thereby restoring your own natural rhythm. See page 395.
TO BOLSTER YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM: People who (do this) never have to go back to the doctor for a lot of stuff, such as earaches, colds, flu, rashes and sore throats.” See page 74.
FOR MEMORY LOSS: Many times, memory problems are caused by (see page 415), and eating (this type of food) can help open up arteries and improve blood flow… Also, The her (see page 415) that may help reverse memory loss caused by poor circulation to the brain, according to Dr. Tyler.
FOR PREGNANCY PROBLEMS: To prevent or minimize stretch marks and to relieve swelling in the feet or legs, see page 465… If you have morning sickness and even the thought of food makes you feel ill, try a dose of (see page 467)... To ease backaches and improve tone in the abdominal area, do this (see page 467)... For sore breasts, do this (see page 468).
Beat PMS — with nutrition!... For premenstrual syndrome “the key treatments are vitamin B6, evening primrose oil, calcium and magnesium,” says Elson Haas, M.D., Director of the Preventive Medical Center of Marin in San Rafael, California and author of Staying Healthy with Nutrition. (For Dr. Haas’s specific dosage recommendations, please check page 475 of New Choices in Natural Healing, yours to sample free for 21 days.)
Indigestion? “I don’t believe there is a gastric problem that doesn’t respond to (see page 377),” says one top M.D. “Nobody really knows how or why (it) works, but it is truly a miracle.”
Insomnia? Turn to page 387 and discover the world’s best known herbal remedy and why it works so well.
Panic attacks and phobias? “90 percent of phobias respond well to (see page 458).”
Impotence? Discover the herbal oil with such potent aphrodisiac qualities, just inhaling its fragrance can instantly trigger passion. Expensive — but lasts a long time and, judging by the fireworks it arouses, worth every drop! See page 369… The vitamin supplement that can stop impotence and restore virility. See page 372… The ancient herbal cocktail said to be so effective in increasing sexual energy, it can even help sperm counts to go up. See page 369.
Hearing loss? Fight it effectively with this proven yawning exercise on page 345.
Sinus pressure and pain? Press these two points on the outside of your nostrils. Amazing relief! See page 501.
Vaginitis? “Has been proven to reduce the yeast and bacterial overgrowth” that often causes vaginitis. See page 548.
Incontinence? A simple exercise controls it. Explained on page 374.
Bronchitis? “Eases breathing by loosening mucus in the chest.” See page 79.
Urinary tract infections? The best treatment is also the cheapest. See page 546.
Built-up earwax falls out on its own. No probing! Page 22.
Ingrown toenail? Here’s how to get rid of it permanently. See page 383.
Cold or numb feet and hands? This herbal helps restore your circulation. See page 484.
Ear infections? Take ¼ teaspoon of this herb (see page 286), mixed with honey, and you may never get another earache again.
Shingles? “The best homeopathic remedy for shingles is (see page 497).”
Constipation? “Cure constipation for life.” See page 254.
High cholesterol? “Actually reverses plaque in your arteries.” See page 349.
Jet lag? “So great for jet lag that some airlines have started giving (them) to their first-class passengers.” See page 399.
Psoriasis? Rids your skin of the dry, scaly, itchy patches of psoriasis. See page 480.
The remedy that helps anyone overcome addiction to alcohol or drugs. Really works. See page 523.
When you have a painful callus or corn, peel it right off using nothing more than lemon juice, tea and garlic. Just follow the directions on page 230.
Heal a canker sore with yogurt. See page 231.
When you feel an asthma attack coming on, do this immediately. See page 190.
To speed healing of a cold sore, all you need is a single droplet of this oil. See page 246.
“Works every time” to eliminate “driver’s leg” — that painful cramp in the calf that comes from hours of breaking and accelerating. See page 410.
Best way to cure diverticular problems. See page 279.
The simple massage technique that breaks the “knots” of tissue in painful joints and increases your range of pain-free motion. See page 101.
Press here to relieve dizziness any time. See page 280.
Tension leaves your jaw and teeth-grinding stops. Page 538.
Press here, and hold for two minutes, for wonderful relief of eye strain. See page 293.
To relieve foot pain, hold this part of your foot for one minute. See page 318.
The all-natural way to get rid of bad breath anytime, anyplace. (See page 199.) For really bad cases: “If you can smell someone’s breath from across the room, that’s usually a sign that he needs (see page 200).”
How to prevent urinary tract infections with a little apple cider vinegar. See page 421.
The internal cleansing technique that cleans out your entire bowel — all five feet of it! See page 83.
How to soothe a sunburn — with lavender in your bath water. Heavenly! See page 526.
How to improve your vision without glasses… easy “eye aerobics” strengthen eye muscles, prevent aging eyes! Page 554.
Easy ways to calm down, beat stress, anytime you need it. See page 517.
Nobody knows why this safe, natural remedy helps stop stuttering. But it sure does work! See page 522.
Yes, you can slow down the balding process. See page 334.
Do you crave salty foods? See what it means on page 313.
Why was baldness almost unheard of in Japan before World War II… but rampant among Japanese men today? What does this mean for any man (or woman) who wants to prevent hair loss? See page 334.
Prevent kidney stones with pumpkin seeds. See page 405.
“To ease menstrual problems, take one tablespoon of (see page 423) with one pinch of black pepper.”
BEWARE! The common food everyone thinks is so “healthy” — yet actually depresses your immune system, making you more vulnerable to colds, viruses and diseases of all kinds. Consider yourself warned — on page 215.
BEWARE! The five foods that most often trigger migraine headaches. See page 427.
BEWARE! How your hair blower threatens your health! See page 131.
BEWARE! Why certain coffee can damage your vision. See page 554.
Herpes alert: Every year, 500,000 new people get genital herpes and it stays with you for life. Learn how to avoid it. If you’ve already got it, discover the natural remedies that help you prevent outbreaks, relieve the symptoms and even speed their healing. See page 322.
“The first step in lowering cholesterol is to increase your intake of (see page 366).”
The common spice that has wonderful blood-thinning properties that can help lower cholesterol levels. For best results, use it in a tea, as you’ll read on page 364, and drink twice daily.
Two delicious foods which can make your cholesterol levels plunge. (Turn to page 365.)
The nutrient with this almost-magical ability: it bonds with the fat and cholesterol in the foods you eat and carries them right out of your body. (Details, page 365.)
A simple massaging exercise that helps your body rid itself of cholesterol more efficiently. (See page 366.)
The herb that’s little known in America but famous in Asia as a natural way to lower cholesterol. (Details, page 366.)
Relaxing stretching exercises that can lower both your stress level and your cholesterol. (Details, page 367.)
A complete vitamin and mineral supplement program for anyone who wants to lower cholesterol fast. Works like a charm! (See page 366.)
“Studies show that people who take (supplement named on page 139) cut their risk of heart attack and stroke in half compared with those who don’t. (This same remarkable nutrient has also been shown to “greatly reduce precancerous lesions of the mouth,” according to cancer researcher Harinder Garewal, M.D.)
The “miracle” salad oil that can actually open clogged arteries while it lowers your cholesterol. See page 46.
Another “miracle nutrient” that keeps dietary fat and cholesterol from getting to the interior wall of your intestines, where it is absorbed by the body. See page 49.
A five-year Dutch study of 805 elderly men found that those who regularly consumed (two potent “trigger” foods named on page 96) were less likely to die of heart disease than those whose intakes were lower, regardless of their intakes of other nutrients!”
There have been nearly a dozen major medical studies showing that you can actually reverse plaque in the arteries — a leading cause of heart attack — by doing this. See page 51.
“(These) have been found to reduce or even reverse symptoms of heart disease,” according to Dr. Anderson of the U.S. Department of Agriculture Human Nutrition Research Center in Beltsville, Maryland. See page 349.
For angina, “The most powerful treatment I know,” according to one leading M.D. See page 175.
A simple-as-pie yoga exercise that improves blood flow and makes veins and arteries more elastic. Wonderful for anyone concerned with heart disease. See page 350.
After reviewing more than 100 studies examining the relationship between (nutrient named on page 139) and cancer, the nutrient had a protective effect in virtually every study!
New discovery from John Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore: this nutrient, found in a common vegetable, offers protection against breast cancer. See page 53.
Another nutrient that has such potent anti-cancer properties, it “may actually reverse precancerous conditions.” See page 95.
“Animals exposed to tobacco carcinogens were half as likely to develop lung cancer when fed a diet rich in (vegetable named on page 53).”
Another common vegetable which, when fed to laboratory animals exposed to tobacco carcinogens, slashed their risk of lung cancer by 50%! See page 53.
Nutrients (and the common foods containing them) that “prevent cancer-causing hormones from latching on to a cell.” Others that actually “stop cancer cells from forming.” See page 54. Imagine — delicious “miracle” foods with such a beneficial effect on your immune system that they give you the power to stop cancer cells from forming in your body. Amazing! And there’s more…
How certain “micro-nutrients” found in certain fruits and vegetables available in any supermarket — but NOT in most vitamin supplements — can protect you against an array of cancers, especially those that line the body’s organs, including the lungs, bladder, cervix, colon, stomach, rectum, larynx and pancreas. See page 52.
To tone your facial muscles, eliminate wrinkles and have more radiant skin, press here (see page 559).
For anxiety, press here and take a few deep, full breaths. Instant calm! See page 178.
For arthritis anywhere in your body, press here (page 183).
For leg cramps, press here (see page 410).
For relieve headaches as well as neck pain, take your thumb and press here (see page 338).
For a stomach ache, press here (see page 514).
To relieve tension and bloating associated with PMS, press here (see page 471).
To prevent or clear up Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, massage here (see page 486).
To get rid of sinus pressure and pain, press here (page 501).
Press here (see page 531) to gain relief of temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD) which can cause earaches, headaches, a stiff neck, stuffy nose and ringing in the ears.
Press here (see page 557) to improve your body’s fluid balance and shed excess water that causes swollen fingers, plumped-up legs and bloated belly.
Plus: dozen of other specific “trigger points” to press for specific conditions throughout your body.
For arthritis anywhere in your body: the 12 most powerful anti-inflammatory points to press for blessed pain relief.
A little-known by very powerful “Arthritis Recipe,” made up of several special oils available in your health food store. Mix these oils together precisely according to the Arthritis Recipe, then massage it into your joints. No one knows why it works, but the relief is remarkable.
The little-known herb that’s been used in India for thousands of yours to bring relief to aching joints.
“We don’t know why, but when we take patients off (the food named on page 184), in many cases their arthritis will go into complete remission,” says one prominent M.D.
A guided imagery session where you imagine your arthritis pain disappearing. Again, nobody knows exactly how this simple mental fantasy works in dispelling pain, but one doctor reports, “I’ve seen that imagery work wonders!”
The juice of a certain fruit which brings wonderful arthritis relief. Even Campanelli, Ph.D., a holistic family practitioner in Beverly Hills, California, estimates that around 85% of her patients with arthritis get at least partial relief from drinking two glasses a day.
The vegetable now being hailed as “one of the best ways to lower blood pressure.” See page 361.
The simple and highly enjoyable relaxation technique that can help lower high blood pressure. See pages 117 and 362.
A top M.D.’s complete vitamin, mineral and herbal regimen for anyone with high blood pressure. See page 363.
And this startling finding: “U.S. government researchers report that a 46-year-old pilot with high blood pressure lowered his readings from 138/92 to 122/82 in six weeks after stopping traditional medication and starting (see page 152).”
Plus more natural remedies… all beginning on page 360 under the heading, “High Blood Pressure” in New Choices in Natural Healing.
Stressed out? Just turn to page 517 of New Choices in Natural Healing, where you’ll discover no less than 10 all-natural stress-busters, including portable ones you can use anywhere. Just one example: you’ll be taught a simple breathing technique you can use anywhere that instantly calms your mind so effectively, it’s like taking a quick mental vacation whenever you need one.
Varicose veins? Has anyone told you, “nothing you can do…” Nonsense! Beginning on page 550, you’ll find 8 natural remedies for varicose veins.
Or let’s say you have a chronic aching back. It’s bothered you so long, you feel as if nothing will ever help. Just turn to page 195 and discover a host of natural remedies, including the acupressure points, behind your knees, that help move pain and pressure away from your back. “They open a pathway for energy to flow out of the back.”
…Then see how to relieve a backache with two tennis balls and a sock (for a sensuous self-massage).
...Then let a leading homeopathic doctor tell you all about his unusual but extremely effective remedies for backache.
...Then let a reflexologist tell you about a special spot on your foot which, when massaged as shown on page 198, will send instant “telegrams” of pain relief to the painful nerve in your back.
...Then let a master yoga teacher show you gentle stretching exercises that can not only relieve you aching back, but make it much more flexible, so you don’t strain your back as often… and so on! Your back will run out of ways to get cranky long before you run out of remedies! And the same holds true for every condition you may have — now you’ll have so many healing options to choose from!
How to lose weight more quickly and easily (page 451)...
How to cure brittle nails (page 211)...
How to have thicker hair (page 333)...
How to have straighter, more elegant posture (see page 464).
A secret mental technique that makes you a much more passionate person, someone who projects an aura of sexual attractiveness that’s so alluring, it’s like catnip to members of the opposite sex (see page 358).
Make acne and pimples disappear FAST — before they permanently scar your skin. Page 37.
Why your underwear can be causing your yeast infections. Page 48.
Make a splinter come right out, using a drop of vegetable oil. Page 43.
Sure way to kill invisible, allergy-causing molds that multiply in the damp places of your home — bathroom, basement, etc. Page 4.
Fastest way to clear up bronchitis and keep it from causing lung collapse. Page 11.
How to s-t-r-e-t-c-h your way out of back pain. Page 9.
Easy way to prevent back pain when you’re sitting. Page 9.
6 best ways to relieve eye strain if you work on a computer. Page 23.
Fast relief of headache — without aspirin or other pills. See page 26.
Quickly relieve arthritis pain and stiff joints. Page 6.
To add incredible shine to your hair… grab a bottle of this from your kitchen pantry! See page 25.
Prevent urinary tract infections with a daily glass of this tasty drink. Page 45.
Quick fix for an ingrown toenail — no cutting. Page 29.
4 quickest ways to relieve hemorrhoid pain. Page 28.
8 ways to cure insomnia fast. One’s bound to work for you. Page 30.
Fastest known cure for nausea. Page 35.
Your pillow — “one of the least suspected villains in causing back and neck pain.” Quick fix. Page 10.
Heal a burn faster, using oatmeal in a most unusual way. Page 13.
Always wash your bedding and linens in hot water once a week. See why, page 4.
Wash away poison ivy with alcohol — before it takes hold. Directions, page 38.
Instantly reduce the pain of bursitis. Page 14.
7 proven ways to keep colds away. Page 16.
4 fast, proven remedies for constipation. Page 19.