


 G2.com is the world’s largest software review platform and marketplace. Every month, over 6 million people research, compare, and buy software on G2.

As Lead Copywriter, I work with a talented team to conceptualize, write, and wireframe an array of webinar landing pages designed to convert visitors into leads.


Webinar: The COVID Consult


The COVID Consult was the G2’s most successful webinar, driving more than 1300 registrants and over $2 million in potential pipeline for the business. I worked to conceptualize and create the copy and campaign strategy for the email and landing page, below:


The COVID Consult: Email

Open Rate: 39.3%
Click Rate: 4.9%
Click-Through Rate: 12.4%

Screen Shot 2020-05-30 at 6.13.15 PM.png

The COVID Consult: Landing Page

Total Visits: 4,724
Total Conversions: 1,342
Final Conversion Rate: 28.4%

G2 COVID Consult.png

VeryGoodCopy [Small].png

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