Angel Gonzalez is the founder and CMO of SnappyKraken, a marketing platform for financial advisers.
“Un-Canned Marketing for Financial Advisers Who Demand to Stand Out” is their tag.
Solid copywriting if you ask me…
It’s colloquial.
It makes you curious.
It tells you a compelling story in 3.58 seconds. (I timed myself reading it, ha.)
So yeh, it’s very good, just like Angel’s Micro-Interview.
In only 338 words, you’ll learn:
How to hit the ground running in the morning…
How to make even the longest learning curve feel short-er...
The 1 “ultimate” book for business, sales, marketing, and even time management…
And more…
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Thank you, Angel.
Let’s get started:
1) “What’s your work routine?”
My workday starts the evening before.
I block out my most important to-dos right in my calendar. That way, I don’t spend mental energy the next morning figuring out what to work on. It’s all laid out for me.
My morning starts off with a cold shower then hot coffee before sitting down at a dedicated spot to work from. And even though we’re an all-remote company, I still “get dressed” for work. The ritual puts me in work mode and ready to be productive.
2) “What do you know about your work now that you wish you’d known when you first started?”
Get help earlier than you think you need to, whether it means outsourcing, hiring, or delegating to capable people.
I tried to learn everything and do everything myself for too long. There are people who love and excel at doing things you hate or suck at.
3) “What did your biggest professional failure teach you?”
Trust your gut if a partner or client is a bad fit.
You might compromise because you need the money or opportunity… but you’ll find yourself wishing you could just pay 10X more to not deal with them anymore.
Save yourself the stress.
4) “What’s the #1 thing that has helped you shorten your craft’s learning curve?”
There are no shortcuts, babyyy!
But… find ways to enjoy the process of learning the craft, and the curve will feel way shorter. I promise.
5) “What book has helped you the most over your career?”
Dang! I’m always reading.
But I keep going back to The Ultimate Sales Machine by Chet Holmes. It relays so many timeless principles about business, sales, marketing and even time management.
It’s made me a better marketer, thinker, and doer of work.
6) “And your parting piece of advice?”
I was barely qualified to do much of anything until my early thirties. It’s never too late to start.
Don’t get caught up thinking that your ship has sailed and don’t wait for approval or permission from anyone else but yourself.