Lianna Patch is a conversion copywriter and comedian whose greatest dream is to make readers pause, smile, and click (in that order). Conquer campaigns with her at Punchline Conversion Copywriting, or get quick copy jobs done at SNAP Copy.
Lianna is one of the funniest copywriters I know. I love her videos. I love her writing. And I’m thrilled she stopped by for a MIcro-Interview.
In 349 words, she shares:
What happens when you bring your personality into your writing…
3 copywriting books she goes back to again and again…
The value of masterminds…
And more…
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Thank you, Lianna.
Let’s get started:
1) “What’s your work routine?”
I've recently realized that I need, like, a solid hour and a half of fucking around before I can get started with work in the morning. Time for coffee, Reddit, petting kitties... you know how it is.
So I generally start work around 10AM. Most of the time I work from my home office (or couch, or bed), but often I'll head to the neighborhood coffee shop first thing for some good ol'-fashioned public accountability and to sink my teeth into what I'm doing that day.
2) “What do you know about your work now that you wish you’d known when you first started?”
The more I was able to bring my personality into my work, the better my writing got — and the more great clients I got to work with.
Wish I could have skipped the years of writing weirdly formal emails and trying to be who I thought a "copywriter" was supposed to be, instead of who I was.
3) “What did your biggest professional failure teach you?”
That I really shouldn't let my anxiety disorder manage projects for me...
4) “What’s the #1 thing that has helped you shorten your craft’s learning curve?”
Joining masterminds.
As part of Joanna Wiebe's first-ever The Copywriter Mastermind, I met my current SNAP Copy business partner, learned a TON about conversion rate optimization, persuasion, psychology, and decisive writing, and also had other great writers to bounce things off. Hello friends, goodbye sad lonely echo chamber.
These days I'm lucky enough to be in a couple of entrepreneur groups where I'm constantly surrounded by absolutely bonkers-smart, successful people. I just keep quiet and hope they don't realize I snuck in the back.
5) “What book has helped you the most over your career?”
HMMM. I don't know if I can pick just one!
I've gone back to Scientific Advertising again and again.
But I also love Hey Whipple, Squeeze This, and Made to Stick.
6) “And your parting piece of advice?”
Be a weirdo.
Share more of yourself in your work. Your people will find you. Ugh, such a cliche, sorry.