The book that helped him most over his career...
What’s more important than your IQ (besides your EQ)...
The #1 thing that helped shorten his copywriting learning curve…
The book that helped him most over his career...
What’s more important than your IQ (besides your EQ)...
The #1 thing that helped shorten his copywriting learning curve…
Her personal struggles with imposter syndrome…
The book that has helped her most over her career…
Her own 4-step writing process, which she uses to write anything and everything…
2 things that make it almost impossible to lose in marketing…
The book he read over and over and over for 6 years straight…
Why it’s better to think like a Publisher than a Writer...
The difference between a “great” article and an “average” article…
The #1 thing that shortened his learning curve…
His perspective on failure…
How he gets his ideas…
1 proven way to give yourself a great advantage in business…
Why finding success in marketing and advertising isn’t hard…
The difference between an excuse and a reason…
The most important thing when it comes to business—and life…
How to be a great copywriter, marketer, entrepreneur, or anything else…
How to declutter your mind to make room for creative work…
When you can probably charge more than you think for copywriting services…
The marketing book she reads every year; the book that suddenly helped everything make sense…
The 3-step process for building a great product, quickly…
Why revenue growth isn’t always the best measure of success…
Several learning alternatives for folks who don’t like reading business books…
The most dangerous “place” to be in as a creative person…
What to do when your great idea gets shot down…
How to properly research a campaign…
The book that laid the foundation for everything she’s accomplished in life…
How publishing on LinkedIn changed her writing style…
How she balances parenthood and work…
How to use jealousy and envy to your advantage…
The (avoidable) source of his biggest career failure…
The French book that set his career on a new path…
4 questions that help him be purposeful and present in all he does…
The book that shaped his understanding of human psychology…
How to (usually) get the things you want…
His unique take on perfectionism…
The best way to catapult your growth in any field, including copywriting…
The book that taught him most about commitment, imagination, purpose, and making money…
His most valuable career move…
How to speed up your audience growth…
When it’s time to stop what you’re doing and move on…
The course she used to upgrade her thinking, process, and freelance rates…
2 copywriting books that deepened her understanding of the craft...
When it’s appropriate to be a “selfish” business owner…
How to attract your ideal clients…
How to get prospects in the MOOD to read your copy…
A nearly-100-year-old copywriting book that’s still relevant and vital today…
The most important thing a creative person can do for their work…
How “non-readers” can get the most out of a book…
His philosophy on failure…
Why every copywriter should read fiction…
A how-to-learn-copywriting shortcut (that actually works)...
The benefits of checking Slack and email first thing in the morning…
A crucial writing lesson you can’t learn too soon…
Why exercise and writing go hand-in-hand…
His favorite copywriting book…
His favorite copywriting community…
Advice for standing out as a copywriter...
The book that changed the way he thought about getting a message across…