Enjoy this 165-word “Micro-Interview” by copywriter and creative director, Cameron Day:
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Thanks, Cameron.
Let’s get started:
1) "Do you have a work routine?”
I love mornings. I get up early and try to knock off by late afternoon. I'm not a procrastinator.
2) "What do you wish you'd known about your work when you first started?”
I had a big advantage. I had really solid advice. I wish I had listened more.
3) “What did your biggest professional failure teach you?”
Not to trust agency founders. To manage your own career and be
4) “Has anything helped you shorten your craft's learning curve?”
Being disciplined. Not bitch-bonding. going home when the work is done. Enjoying life.
5) “Do you have a book recommendation?”
So many great reads. I hope advertising people will read my Advertising Survival Guide trilogy.
Stage One: Chew With Your Mind Open
Stage Two: Spittin' Chiclets
Stage Three: Sticks & Stones (launching End of this Year)
6) “Any parting piece of advice?”
Tenacity is more important than talent. You're only as good as your last ad. Do the work.