Enjoy this 220-word “Micro-Interview” with copywriter, Dustin Dooling.
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Thanks, Dustin.
Let’s get started:
1) "Do you have a work routine?”
The only routinely routine thing in my day is my daughter goes to daycare at 730 and comes home at 430. And sometimes that becomes 8 and 4.
2) "What do you wish you'd known about your work when you first started?”
Everything matters. Everything counts. Nothing you produce is waste. Save everything!
3) “What did your biggest professional failure teach you?”
The character of the client reflects on everything your produce for them. Choose wisely.
4) “Has anything helped you shorten your craft's learning curve?”
The usual: read voraciously and write frequently
But, more importantly, find mentors who call out your bullshit and hold you accountable.
5) “Do you have a book recommendation?”
The usual copywriting books, but also:
Consider This (Palahniuk)
Tell better stories Wonderbook (Vandermeer)
Unlock inspiration in the world around you Creative Confidence (Tom & David Kelley)
Find your inner creative vigilante Flash (John Dufresne)
Say it better, but shorter (McConaughey)Life is your inspiration. Live it.
6) “Any parting piece of advice?”
Have a routine, but never underestimate or ignore the power of spontaneous creativity.