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If you have a blog…

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(And even if you don’t.)

You know it’s work. 

You think, you write, you edit, you agonize, you publish, you promote, you do it all over again.

It’s that process, over and over. And the writing better be good, too. Good and consistent and valuable, week in and week out, year after year.

That’s the game. Building an audience takes effort and time, work.

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Now let’s say you already have an audience: 

A growing number of people who consistently read and support your stuff. 

First of all, congrats! You’ve created something that garners attention, interest, and trust.

You can now start earning money with your writing in a few ways.

For example: 

  • Forbes sells banner ads

  • CopyHackers sells courses and services

  • For the Interested sells a content subscription (in addition to its free content)

That said, I have something to quickly announce: after many requests from readers for more micro-article, I’m considering starting a VeryGoodCopy subscription, creating more weekly content in exchange for a small monthly fee to help support the effort.


I’m wondering: if I offered a VeryGoodCopy subscription, would you be interested?

Click the big green button below to learn more. 

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“If you like VeryGoodCopy, I think you’ll love this!”