60,000 LinkedIn followers.

Dang. I was grateful when I had 60. 

Thanks for reading my stuff, folks. 

Somebody suggested I do an AMA to celebrate and that sounded very fine. So this is my version of an “Ask Me Anything” thing:

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Ask me anything you like about… 

⚆ my creative process
⚆ writing or copywriting or storytelling
⚆ how I grew the VeryGoodCopy newsletter to 35,000 subscribers

Or anything else, really. I’m open. Just leave your question(s) in the comments of this LinkedIn post (as many questions as you like but only 1 per comment, please).


Upvote any questions you find interesting and want me to answer with a 👍 reaction.


I’ll answer as many questions as I can, prioritizing those with more upvotes. And as a bonus, I’ll answer each of the 5 MOST-upvoted questions with a dedicated VGC-style “micro” article (so they’re as thoughtful and impactful as possible).

Also, if your question is in the top 5: 

⚆ you'll get credit in the micro-article, of course: I'll link back to your LinkedIn profile inside the VGC newsletter
⚆ we can get on a call to meet and continue the conversation, if you like :)

Thanks again for reading. I appreciate you so much. 

What would you like to know? Ask away.


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