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How to have more ideas?

Do these 3 things:

From the top.

1) Accept that “originality” is impossible.

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“New” things — “original” things — don’t exist. So chasing newness, and striving for originality, is a waste of energy. It’s a disservice to you, your work, and your goals.


2) Don’t create. Connect.

“New” things are born when you put old things together.

The late, great copywriting genius Eugene Schwartz said: “A better word for ‘creativity’ is ‘connectivity.’”

Reading this quote forever changed how I work.

And most importantly…

3) Feed your head.

The more you expose yourself to (e.g., knowledge, experiences), the more connections your brain will make.

The more connections your brain makes — consciously or otherwise — the more ideas you’ll have.

More input = better output.

So read books and blogs and old ads.
And watch films and shows and documentaries.
And talk to people, have conversations with strangers.

It’s all fodder. Eat up.


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Eddie Shleyner
VeryGoodCopy, founder
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