
The recruiter’s email was just 1 line:

“Hi Eddie, let me know if you have a moment for a call?”

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I closed my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose. “Fuck,” I said.

Earlier that week, I flew to Menlo Park for my final-round interview. I was going for the Content Creator position at Facebook. It was 2018, before the nonsense.

I called Kelsey after.

“How’d it go?” she said.

“Yeh, alright," I said.

The recruiter’s call lasted just 1 minute:

“Hi Eddie,” she said. “We want to thank you for your time.”

“Ah, I understand.”

“It really was a very difficult decision.”

“Thank you,” I said. “Thanks for the opportunity.”

I made up my mind just 1 second after I hung up:

“I’m gonna send a newsletter every week,” I said.

Before my Facebook failure, my VeryGoodCopy emails were, at best, irregular.

“Do it,” Kels smiled.

And I did. I committed to being helpful. (It made me feel better.)

And you can too, especially if you’re down and out, deflated, defeated. You can always choose to be selfless with your knowledge.

And you’ll see, what you give, in time, will find its way back to you:


“You will get all you want in life, if you help enough other people get what they want.”
~ Zig Ziglar



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Eddie Shleyner
VeryGoodCopy, founder
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