Cheryl Strayed is a great novelist.
Once, she was asked how she handles writer’s block?
She suggested 15 writing prompts (jump-off points, basically) to help “break” it.
My favorite: “Write about a time you were inappropriately dressed for the occasion.”
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I took a stab:
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“Hey dry clean your suit,” said Kels. “OK?”
“oh-kay,” I said. “I will.”
Days passed. Suddenly, the service was in an hour.
“I’m gonna get ready,” said Kelsey.
I thought about the suit, still in my closet, still dirty.
“Oh…” I said.
My wife pursed her lips and walked away.
“I’ll wear a button down,” I called after her. “All good,” I said. She closed the bathroom door.
We got in the car, drove, parked, walked in...
It was a small service, very intimate. I was the only man without a jacket. No tie either. I bit my cheek behind my mask. It was a small service.
“My condolences,” I said.
“Thank you,” they said back. “Nice shirt.”
Somebody once told me feeling shame could hurt — physically. Physical pain! Like a hit to the stomach, the diaphragm, that desperate feeling of air leaving your body, and staying gone, depriving you.
“Shame is pain,” they said.
It’s true.
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Check out Cheryl Strayed’s 15 writing prompts* below:
Write about a time when you realized you were mistaken.
Write about a lesson you learned the hard way.
Write about a time you were inappropriately dressed for the occasion.
Write about something you lost that you’ll never get back.
Write about a time when you knew you’d done the right thing.
Write about something you don’t remember.
Write about your darkest teacher.
Write about a memory of a physical injury.
Write about when you knew it was over.
Write about being in love.
Write about what you were really thinking.
Write about how you found your way back.
Write about the kindness of strangers.
Write about why you could not do it.
Write about why you did.
*I came across these in Tim Ferriss’s excellent book, Tools of Titans.
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VeryGoodCopy, founder
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