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Master copywriter Eugene Schwartz said:

“You can’t take nothing and make anything, you’re not God.”

It’s true. You’re just a person. You can only create anything from something else.

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“What you are doing when you are being creative,” said Schwartz, “is trying to connect two separate ideas that logically would not go together up until that moment.” When you are being creative, you’re making new connections, nothing more.

In fact, according to Schwartz, a better word for “creativity” is “connectivity” — yes. Because there’s nothing new under the sun — no. Everything is an iteration. Everything comes from something else, something older. So don’t put pressure on yourself to create something completely original.

It’s a trap. You’ll fail.

Instead, put pressure on yourself to seek out and experience various places and people and perspectives that are new to you, interesting to you, compelling to you.

Then ask yourself: “How can I connect this place or person or point of view to my product in a meaningful way, a compelling way for my audience?”

If you’re doing this, you’re doing enough.

If you’re doing this, you are being creative.



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