“If you like VeryGoodCopy, I think you’ll love this!”
Get access to extra VeryGoodCopy content not available to everyone.
Dear Reader,
You may already know, VeryGoodCopy publishes micro-content every week. All free, just things I enjoy making and sharing.
Each time I publish something, I get emails asking for more. In fact, folks tell me they’d pay for more weekly micro-content.
One subscriber wrote:
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“It’s good enough that I feel bad reading it for free… I’ve paid for courses with considerably less value than your micro-articles.”
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It feels good, of course, that people like my stuff. I’m happy and proud that VeryGoodCopy is valuable to people. It’s rewarding. And it’s motivated me these last 5 years.
But every piece takes time and effort to create. (Lots of thinking and doubting, writing and editing, agonizing and publishing, week in and week out.)
And of course, VeryGoodCopy costs money to publish and send. (Every month, I spend hundreds on hosting and distribution.)
It’s work. And sacrifice. And many of my readers — thank you all — acknowledge that:
“You know you should start a Patreon,” they say.
“Yeh, someday,” I say.
Well, here we go…
VGC Plus will live on a content subscription platform like Patreon, BuyMeACoffee, or Substack (I’m still deciding) where subscribers can pay a small monthly fee to get extra VeryGoodCopy content not available to everyone.
As a VGC Plus member:
✅ You’ll get 1 additional, brand new Micro-Article per week (only available to VGC Plus members)
✅ You’ll read my best stuff each week (the content I consider most valuable and actionable)
✅ You’ll get access to the exclusive VGC Plus Slack group, where you can connect and collaborate with other subscribing copywriters, marketers, entrepreneurs, and creatives (including myself and many Micro-Interview guests)
✅ You’ll pay only $5 per month, $1.25 a week (cancel anytime)
So in addition to VeryGoodCopy’s free content:
You’ll get an extra 50 micro-articles a year
You’ll get community and collaboration
You’ll get my best, most valuable work
If you like VeryGoodCopy, I think you’ll love this! And at only $1.25 an article, it's a great value. (Less than a cup of coffee each month.)
Plus, if you’ve been enjoying my work for a while, this is the ultimate show of support. 🙏
If you’d like to become a member…
Please join the waitlist with just your name and email.
No need to pay anything yet. When the waitlist hits a reasonable number of people, I’ll send you a “next steps” email explaining how to get set up and start receiving your additional content.
Join now (with just your name and email) and get access to extra VeryGoodCopy content not available to everyone.
Thanks. I can’t wait to get started. 🙂
Eddie Shleyner
VeryGoodCopy, founder
P.S. If you’re interested, please don’t delay! I’ll get started as soon as enough people raise their hands.
P.P.S. No obligation, of course.
“Raise your hand to get access to extra VeryGoodCopy content not available to everyone!” ✋