It's proven: People
don't read website copy...
...they scan it.
People aren't reading your website copy word-for-word, as they would a book.
Instead, your visitors are only glancing over your website copy, hunting
for that one specific tidbit of information. Searching for that one phrase that
aligns with their need or desire.
That's why you have to write for scanners.
You have to write:
HEADLINES that communicate value at breakneck speed.
SUB-HEADLINES that clearly isolate your key points.
BODY COPY that is concise and compelling.
BULLET POINTS that beg to be read.
You have to write using short paragraphs, concise sentences,
and simple words that quickly drive people down your web pages.
You have to tell your story.
And damn it, everyone has to get it.
But what if you don't know how?
What if you don't know how to make the most of each word?
It's okay.
I'm here to help.
I can make your words sing.
I'm a website copy expert.
David Farquhar, CEO of Northface Ventures
"It's a tough gig writing about a top-class professional writer, but that's what Eddie is.
Eddie is well organized, prompt, reliable, and hugely creative. In just 12 months, the lead marketing indicators and the value of our pipeline increased 6-fold, transforming our sales potential and ultimately our annual recurring revenue (ARR) growth."
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