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“Eddie,” he said, “you gotta KEEP THIS UP.” 

He waved around my term paper.

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I just looked at him, Mr. Bartholomew, my English teacher. I was 17.

“You gotta keep writing every day,” he said. “Don't let up over break.”

Summer was coming.

“Ha,” I said. “But write about WHAT, Mr. B?”

“I don’t care,” he said. “Write stories about your day.” He leaned back in his chair. “Just don’t lose the muscle.”

I probably just blinked at him. Sometimes, in some situations, I’m very quiet.

“Look,” he leaned forward, “you’re decent now — but you'll only get better if you practice literally…” he winced for emphasis, “every day.”

“Ha,” I said. “Oh-kay, Mr. B.”

I got a new notebook after school that day. 

And I did — I did — write daily that summer. And I learned that I looked forward to the writing. And it made me think: I’d like to do this for work some day. And so on and so on, life unfolded. 

And eventually, I found copywriting.

All because someone I admired said: You’re Doing Fine, Keep Going.

Wanna change someone’s life for the better?

Prop them up BEFORE they’re good, before they have anything to offer except potential. Prop them up for the humanity of it.

And they’ll remember you for it, maybe even forever.

I know I’ll remember Mr. B.

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